News From France [October 4, 2016]
News From France [October 4, 2016]
News From France [October 4, 2016]
• France Alumni USA platform launches
• A message from Ambassador Gérard Araud
• Minister Ségolène Royal attends "Our Ocean" conference
• Cultural and political institutions open their doors during the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine
• Interview - Emily Greenhouse, Managing Editor of The New Yorker
• In depth - The French President and Ministers’ week at the UNGA
• INRA releases study on reducing food waste
• France Alumni USA platform launches in New York
• France takes home nine golds at Rio Paralympics
• Events you don't want to miss
• Destination of the month - Réunion
Release date: October 4, 2016
Release date: October 4, 2016